Critical Realism in Science and Religion - John Polkinghorne

Posted by Anonymous On Wednesday, June 9, 2010 0 comments

Sir John Polkinghorne was Professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Cambridge before becoming an Anglican priest. He is the author of such books as "Questions of Truth: Fifty-one Responses to Questions About God, Science, and Belief" and "Quantum Physics and Theology: An Unexpected Kinship".

Polkinghorne embarks to dismantle the concept that science and religion are mutually exclusive ways of life. He says the main problems with this opinion arise from both a misunderstanding of the nature of science and the nature of religion. He explores these two misconceived presuppositions and shows the error that arises when dogmatically sticking to either one of them. It's always great to listen to Polkinghorne as the expertise he's gathered over his career really shines through in his talks. Couple this with a hot topic and a large Q&A session and this talk is more than worth it.

Interview - Alister McGrath and Richard Dawkins

Posted by Anonymous On Tuesday, June 8, 2010 0 comments

Alister McGrath is the Professor of Theology, Ministry and Education, and Head of the Centre for Theology, Religion and Culture at King's College, London. McGrath has written numerous books including "Christian Theology: An Introduction" and "The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine". Richard Dawkins was previously the Professor for Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford. Dawkins is the founder of the Richard Dawkins Foundation and is the author of the bestseller "The God Delusion".

It seems to be that the main talk in this debate/discussion ends up being the question of why would an omnipotent and omnibenevolent God seemingly act in some situations and not in others? The discussion between the two on this question actually reaches a point of no return where they are forced to disagree and move along. Worth a look, check it out.

Faith Under Fire - Greg Koukl vs. Deepak Chopra

Posted by Anonymous On Monday, June 7, 2010 0 comments

Greg Koukl is the founder and president of Stand to Reason and is the author of the two popular books "Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air" and "Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Conviction". Deepak Chopra is the author of "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams" and is a speaker on the topics of Ayurveda, spirituality and mind-body medicine.

In this talk Koukl quite effectively dismantles Chopra's arguments and doesn't let him get away with virtually anything. Koukl does an excellent job defending Christianity against Chopra and really has him on the run right out of the gate. Chopra then makes his situation go from bad to worse when he starts to shows his hand of a moral relativism which Koukl quickly closes on.

Moral Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Midair - Greg Koukl

Posted by Anonymous On Sunday, June 6, 2010 1 comments

Greg Koukl is the founder and president of Stand to Reason and is the author of the two popular books "Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air" and "Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Conviction".

In talk at the University of California, Koukl talks about the impacts of a belief system founded on moral relativism. He says anyone who espouses moral relativism is actually, by definition, impotent to object to the action of any other being. Koukl talks about what he deems the myth of moral neutrality and the myth tolerance which moral relativism likes to set a double standard for. He also provides a series of fatal flaws of relativism which includes:
  • A moral relativist can never say that someone did something wrong.
  • A moral relativist can never say that there is evil in any capacity.
  • A moral relativist can never demand tolerance.
  • A moral relativist can never actually live out their beliefs.
  • A moral relativist is a type of passive-aggressive.

» To get the audio for the talk visit the Veritas Forum. The notes to follow along with this talk can be downloaded here. «

What the Resurrection of Jesus Means to Us - Greg Laurie

Posted by Anonymous On Saturday, June 5, 2010 0 comments

Greg Laurie is senior pastor and founder of Harvest Christian Fellowship. He has written numerous books including "Breakfast with Jesus" and "Lost Boy: My Story".

In this sermon Laurie presents an overview of the resurrection of Christ and it's impact. He discusses how we know it happened and why some popular objections to the resurrection are untenable. He then gives five things that the resurrection of Jesus can assure us of. My personal favourite part is his analogy of the message at Waterloo to the disciples at Jesus resurrection in the last few minutes of the talk, something worth consideration.

William Lane Craig is author of numerous books and founder of Reasonable Faith. He is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology. Criag is one of the most widespread name for Christian apologetics in North America and is considered "the finest Christian apologist of the last half century.” Bart Ehrman is the author of "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why" and is the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina.

Craig's opening statement presents four facts that are agreed upon among scholars that are best explained by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Ehrman's opening statement says that historians cannot say that Jesus probably rose from the dead as a conclusion because by definition a miracle is an improbable event and that the gospels have too many discrepancies to me historically accurate.

The Presumption of Atheism - Veritas48

Posted by Anonymous On Thursday, June 3, 2010 0 comments

Veritas48, aka Noah, is one of the most popular YouTube apologist for modern theism. He is a graduate from the Biola University apologetics program and has defended theism, particularity Christianity, with hundreds of videos. He present a clear, honest, respectful and reflective view of Christianity and is a light on a hill in terms of integrity on YouTube. You can view his YouTube account here or his blog here.

At the start of 2010 Noah announced the start of his series on the Presumption of Atheism along with other popular theistic youtubers (who won't be listed here). Noah has four videos in the series, one introducing the series, the next clarifying some objections, one on getting the project started, and finally a large video on the actual case of the Presumption of Atheism. I will only embed the larger last video in here but will place links to all four below.

In this video, Noah covers topics on the Presumption of Atheism including the expectation of evidence and the expectation to have knowledge of the evidence. He presents a solid case for the presumption of atheism and shows why any atheist has an equal share in the burden of proof when it comes to the existence or non-existence of God.

Dinesh D'Souza is viewed as one of the "top young public-policy makers in the country" and is the author of numerous books such as "What's So Great about Christianity". The World Affairs Council listed D'Souza as one of the nation's 500 leading authorities on international issues. Michael Shermer is the Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine and has written numerous books including "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time".

This debate was particularly interesting because it was actually set up as a series of mini debates. A quote is read and each side was given a three minute response and a one minute rebuttal. I believe there was a total of seven quotes read on various issues between atheism, theism and apologetics with varying degrees of agreement between the two participants.

The Axiological Argument - Veritas48

Posted by Anonymous On Tuesday, June 1, 2010 0 comments

Veritas48, aka Noah, is one of the more popular YouTube apologist for modern theism. He is a graduate from the Biola University apologetics program and has defended theism, particularity Christianity, with hundreds of videos. He present a clear, honest, respectful and reflective view of Christianity and is a light on a hill in terms of integrity on YouTube. You can view his YouTube account here or his blog here.

In this video Noah presents his version of the Axiological (moral) Argument for the existence of God. He explains how if absolute moral standards are to exist at all, then there must be something to set that standard. The reason this video is so valuable is because not only does Noah present a clear version of the argument, but he critics seven common alternative views on morality outside of Christian theism, they are:
  1. Ethical Subjectivism (Moral Relativism)
  2. Conventionalism (Cultural Relativism)
  3. Ethical Naturalism
  4. Moral Skepticism (Epistemological Version)
  5. Moral Skepticism (Ontological Version)
  6. Ethical Emotivism
  7. Ethical Platonism

The Kalam Cosmological Argument - Veritas48

Posted by Anonymous On Monday, May 31, 2010 0 comments

Veritas48, aka Noah, is one of the more popular YouTube apologist for modern theism. He is a graduate from the Biola University apologetics program and has defended theism, particularity Christianity, with hundreds of videos over the years. He presents a clear, honest, respectful and reflective view of Christianity and is a light on a hill in terms of integrity on YouTube. You can view his YouTube account here or his blog here.

Noah presents one of the most clear and concise presentations of the Kalam Cosmological Argument I have heard to date. He gives the argument not in it's typical syllogistic form but in the form of three exhaustive dilemmas:
  1. The universe either had a beginning or no beginning.
  2. Given 1, the beginning of the universe was either caused or uncaused.
  3. Given 2, the cause of the universe was either personal or impersonal.
This formulations seems to make the progression of the Kalam argument a little clearer to the laymen to follow step by step. Noah also goes over seven popular objections to the argument and why he believes they are invalid.

Does God Exist? - J.P. Moreland vs. Clancy Martin

Posted by Anonymous On Sunday, May 30, 2010 0 comments

J.P. Moreland is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Biola University and has written numerous books including "Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul". He is also a contributor to the popular Apologetics Study Bible. Clancy Martin is Associate Professor of Philosophy at University of Missouri-Kansas City and is author of "How to Sell: A Novel".

Moreland's opening statement consists of arguments from the origin of a finite universe, the fine tuning of the universe, biological information, objective moral law, and the historical reliability of the New Testament. Martin's opening statement contains arguments from the unfalsifiability fallacy, the localized activities of God, the impossibility of the moral standard, the problem of evil, and that the Christian faith should not have reason.

Honoring Alvin Plantinga - Evangelical Philosophical Society

Posted by Anonymous On Saturday, May 29, 2010 0 comments

Alvin Plantinga is a champion on the philosophical forefront of modern Christianity. He currently serves as the John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. Recently Joe Gorra of the Evangelical Philosophical Society made a post Honoring Alvin Plantinga: "Alvin Plantinga's ideas, and his leadership with those ideas, have been deeply impactful for a whole generation of Christian philosophers, Moreover, his work has also been significantly appropriated by theologians, scientists, historians, psychologists and other Christian scholars working in various disciplines and fields..." (Read the full article here)

If you're interested in checking out some of  Plantinga's works, check out his books here or any of these:

William Lane Craig is author of numerous books and founder of Reasonable Faith. He is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology. Criag is one of the most widespread name for Christian apologetics in North America and is considered "the finest Christian apologist of the last half century.” Victor Stenger is the Emeritus Professor of physics at University of Hawaii and  the Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at University of Colorado. Stenger has written on everything from physics and quantum mechanics to cosmology and religion. His most recent book is "The New Atheism: Taking a Stand for Science and Reason".

In his opening speech, Craig presents his arguments from existence, fine-tuning, moral values, the resurrection of Jesus, and the personal experience of the Holy Spirit. Stenger's opening response consists of four main points: the attributes of the Christian God are self-contradictory, tributes of the Christian God are inconsistent with what we know about the world, naturalism is a better explanation than supernaturalism, and the actions of the Christian God should be observable but are not. My favourite point was a response Craig made on Stengers objection of justice vs. mercy; Craig points out that this is not a contradiction, but actually the great beauty of the Christian faith. Overall this was a pretty good debate, worth the listen.

Donald Prothero is a Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology. Prothero has written numerous books including "Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters".

Prothero is known for his expertise in the processes of geological evolution and for his evident disdain for anyone who supports an anti-evolution agenda. The talk is introduced by Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine and interestingly enough, Prothero starts out by suggesting how evolution is an easier choice than intelligent design--because it helps to take care of the "bad design" argument. Most of Prothero's talk takes place exploring the fossil record in which he lists seven "common lies and misconceptions" of evolution as propounded by Young Earth Creationists and supporters of Intelligent Design:
  1. "Bushes" and "ladders"
  2. Gradualism vs punctuated equilibrium
  3. Fossil record is complete enough to show every transitional form
  4. Faunal succession is a myth
  5. "Cambrian explosion" is a creation event
  6. No transitional forms in the fossil record
  7. "Missing link" has never been found

Will Heaven Be Worth It? - Clay Jones

Posted by Anonymous On Thursday, May 27, 2010 0 comments

Clay Jones is the Assistant Professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University. His areas of specialty include the problem of evil, theodicy, and the defense of the resurrection. You can visit his blog at

In this talk Jones deals with the popular emotional problem of evil. As Christians we are to adhere to a code of morality that, along with other things, excludes us from many of the culturally convenient pleasures of our time. Beliefs including abstinence, honesty, integrity, respect and acceptance all come at a cost. Not to mention the much greater issues of pain and suffering that seem to encompass our world. Jones tackles these sensitive issues through the view that eternity will dwarf our suffering here on earth to virtual nothingness. He calls us to get away from the "extreme makeover metaphysical edition" and start focusing on a truly biblical conception Heaven.

The Absurdity of Life Without God - William Lane Craig

Posted by Anonymous On Wednesday, May 26, 2010 0 comments

William Lane Craig is author of numerous books and founder of Reasonable Faith. He is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology. Criag is one of the most widespread name for Christian apologetics in North America and is considered "the finest Christian apologist of the last half century.”

In this talk Craig demonstrates that without God, life is utterly void of meaning, value and purpose. He goes into detail on how each of them are meaningless using aspects of the moral argument. Craig shows how even the great atheist Friedrich Nietzsche was forced to face this conclusion of absolute nihilism.

» You can find the PDF of Craig's talk on the absurdity of life without god here. The audio is available at the Veritas Forum. «

The Language of God - Francis Collins

Posted by Anonymous On Tuesday, May 25, 2010 0 comments

Francis Collins is the founder of the BioLogos foundation, of which I am a big fan, and is currently the director of the National Institute of Health. He previously led the Human Genome Project to the scientific milestone of sequencing the human genome. His most popular book published to date is "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief".

In this talk by Collins, presented by the Veritas Forum, we are given a brief overview of his work on the HGP and much of his personal testimony before getting into some scientific evidences for the existence of a God. He also coins the name for BioLogos and presents the goals of the foundation.

» To get the audio for the talk visit the Veritas Forum «

The God Debate - Bruxy Cavey

Posted by Anonymous On Wednesday, May 12, 2010 0 comments

Bruxy Cavey is the pastor of a popular Canadian church called The Meeting House and is the author of "The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus." From the end of 2007 and into early 2008 Cavey gave a series of talks titled "The God Debate."

Full audio, video, notes, quotes and extras can be found below:

    This debate took place on November 30th, 2009 and was hosted by the American Freedom Alliance. The topic in question was the origins of life and therefore discussions favoured heavily on the topic of evolution.

    Stephen Meyer is the Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute and author of books such as "Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design"Donald Prothero is Professor of Geology at Occidental College in Los Angeles and is the author, co-author, editor, or co-editor of hundreds of writings including "Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters"Michael Shermer is the Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine and is the author of books such as "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time". Richard Sternberg is a Research Scientist at the Biologic Institute and a Research Collaborator at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History.

    For some interesting follow up on this debate check out the links below:
    » Full audio can be found here: MP3 Audio (119 mins) «

    This debate between two giants of religious discussion took place on April 7th, 2010 at the University of Notre Dame. The debate topic is "Is Religion the Problem?" and is a continuation of "The God Debate". Dinesh D'Souza is the author of books such as "What's So Great about Christianity". Christopher Hitchens is the author of numerous books such as "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything".

    Simply Christian - N.T. Wright

    Posted by Anonymous On Saturday, May 1, 2010 0 comments

    N.T. Wright discusses one of his latest books "Simply Christian". The idea behind the book was to publish a "Mere Christianity for the 21st century." As Wright explains, the idea of Simply Christian is to present the basics of the Christian faith. The book promises to be a perfect book for the everyday Christian--or non-Christian--interested in what exactly Christianity is.

    Books like this are so key to read every once in a while because of all the denominational Christian debates, sometimes we need to see where we agree and not just where we differ.

    In this interview, J.P. Moreland discusses one of his most recent books: "Kingdom Triangle: Recover the Christian Mind, Renovate the Soul, Restore the Spirit's Power." The interviewer is Michael Patton who is with Reclaiming the Mind Ministries. In the interview, Moreland claims that the Kingdom Triangle is his most important book to date.

    » Full interview can be found here: Streaming Audio (87 mins) «

    Over the past month Apologetics 315 has put out an essay series covering the question "Is Christianity True?" The series consists of 23 full length essays available as written or narrated if  you prefer. The essays have been written and submitted by bloggers and apologists from across the web and are filled with lively and unique perspectives. The full 23 essay series is listed below.

    Michael Shermer's Baloney Detection Kit

    Posted by Anonymous On Friday, April 30, 2010 0 comments

    Michael Shermer is the Founding Publisher of Skeptic Magazine and has written numerous books including "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time." I usually find myself disagreeing with Shermer's conclusions on religious matters but this video of his, hosted by the Richard Dawkins Foundation, I found myself agreeing with most of what he says.

    Shermer gives ten questions we should ask when examining a claim:

      • How reliable is the source of the claim?
      • Does the source make similar claims?
      • Have the claims been verified by somebody else?
      • Does this fit with the way the world works?
      • Has anyone tried to disprove the claim?
      • Where does the preponderance of evidence point?
      • Is the claimant playing by the rules of science?
      • Is the claimant providing positive evidence?
      • Does the new theory account for as many phenomena as the old theory?
      • Are personal beliefs driving the claim?
 is having a one week sale with 20% off everything in stock. The sale will last from April 29th to the 4th of May. If you're looking to get a couple of books, videos, or audio resources make sure to check it out; it's always nice to save a few bucks.

        William Lane Craig is author of numerous books and founder of Reasonable Faith. Bart Ehrman is the author of "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why" and is currently at the University of North Carolina.

        Craig spends most of his time on the problems with Bart Ehrman's approach to the historical conception of Jesus and the resurrection.

        » 6 Part Video Collection Here: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] «

        Apologetics Conference at Saddleback

        Posted by Anonymous On Thursday, April 29, 2010 0 comments

        In September of 2009 Saddleback Church held an apologetics conference with some of the biggest names in the field. If you want to watch any of the videos, including seeing William Lane Craig is some awesome suspenders, Saddleback now has them up streaming on their website. However, some of the videos still have worship sets attached to them so you may have to wait a little longer for them to load.
        Full lecture audios are available below: