The Presumption of Atheism - Veritas48

Posted by Anonymous On Thursday, June 3, 2010 0 comments

Veritas48, aka Noah, is one of the most popular YouTube apologist for modern theism. He is a graduate from the Biola University apologetics program and has defended theism, particularity Christianity, with hundreds of videos. He present a clear, honest, respectful and reflective view of Christianity and is a light on a hill in terms of integrity on YouTube. You can view his YouTube account here or his blog here.

At the start of 2010 Noah announced the start of his series on the Presumption of Atheism along with other popular theistic youtubers (who won't be listed here). Noah has four videos in the series, one introducing the series, the next clarifying some objections, one on getting the project started, and finally a large video on the actual case of the Presumption of Atheism. I will only embed the larger last video in here but will place links to all four below.

In this video, Noah covers topics on the Presumption of Atheism including the expectation of evidence and the expectation to have knowledge of the evidence. He presents a solid case for the presumption of atheism and shows why any atheist has an equal share in the burden of proof when it comes to the existence or non-existence of God.

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