The Axiological Argument - Veritas48

Posted by Anonymous On Tuesday, June 1, 2010 0 comments

Veritas48, aka Noah, is one of the more popular YouTube apologist for modern theism. He is a graduate from the Biola University apologetics program and has defended theism, particularity Christianity, with hundreds of videos. He present a clear, honest, respectful and reflective view of Christianity and is a light on a hill in terms of integrity on YouTube. You can view his YouTube account here or his blog here.

In this video Noah presents his version of the Axiological (moral) Argument for the existence of God. He explains how if absolute moral standards are to exist at all, then there must be something to set that standard. The reason this video is so valuable is because not only does Noah present a clear version of the argument, but he critics seven common alternative views on morality outside of Christian theism, they are:
  1. Ethical Subjectivism (Moral Relativism)
  2. Conventionalism (Cultural Relativism)
  3. Ethical Naturalism
  4. Moral Skepticism (Epistemological Version)
  5. Moral Skepticism (Ontological Version)
  6. Ethical Emotivism
  7. Ethical Platonism

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