Donald Prothero is a Professor of Geology at Occidental College and Lecturer in Geobiology at the California Institute of Technology. Prothero has written numerous books including "Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters".

Prothero is known for his expertise in the processes of geological evolution and for his evident disdain for anyone who supports an anti-evolution agenda. The talk is introduced by Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine and interestingly enough, Prothero starts out by suggesting how evolution is an easier choice than intelligent design--because it helps to take care of the "bad design" argument. Most of Prothero's talk takes place exploring the fossil record in which he lists seven "common lies and misconceptions" of evolution as propounded by Young Earth Creationists and supporters of Intelligent Design:
  1. "Bushes" and "ladders"
  2. Gradualism vs punctuated equilibrium
  3. Fossil record is complete enough to show every transitional form
  4. Faunal succession is a myth
  5. "Cambrian explosion" is a creation event
  6. No transitional forms in the fossil record
  7. "Missing link" has never been found

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